• Arriving with nothing but a suitcase

    Arriving with nothing but a suitcase

    Earlier this year on International Women’s Day at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) three remarkable guest speakers shared their stories of settlement in Australia. Cuc Lam arrived in Australia in 1978 under the wave of immigration facilitated by former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser in response to the Vietnam War. Forty years later Cuc stands

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  • Allie and Grace spread music, heart and hope

    Allie and Grace spread music, heart and hope

    What happens when you have a positive learning environment, encouraging parents and a talent for music? You get the efforts of Allie and Grace, two friends who chose to busk with their flutes for two days – and ended up raising $250 to support refugees and people seeking asylum. ‘They knew about your work from

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  • A story of language, community and opportunity

    A story of language, community and opportunity

    Zakia’s face lights up in front of me as I ask her if she’s enjoyed the translation workshops she’s just wrapped up at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). ‘From the past I like translating. Interpreting for me was like a dream to be a translator or an interpreter, so when I saw the email

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  • Walid Zazai speaks from Manus

    Walid Zazai speaks from Manus

    Walid Zazai speaks from Manus to the Palm Sunday Rally 2018 As the clock ticked towards midnight, I felt both dread at another long year and hope for what seems unimaginable to me – freedom. Hello everyone, my name is Walid Zazai. Thank you for asking me to speak again. Much has changed since last

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  • The natural course of a flood is to flow

    The natural course of a flood is to flow

    I recently had the extraordinary and humbling experience of speaking with Ai Wei Wei, a global leader who uses his art, his intellect, and his heart to champion a more compassionate way forward for refugees. We had an incredible conversation, in which he compared the humanitarian crisis facing refugees to a flood. The natural course

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