• ASRC member empowers youth

    ASRC member empowers youth

    The ASRC’s new Youth Empowerment Officer, Potal* wants to “do anything possible to help a young person achieve something in their life”. His role is to engage more young ASRC members in the activities, programs and services the organisation offers. In taking this job on, he is also the second ASRC member to become an ASRC

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  • Absolutely fabulous

    Absolutely fabulous

    It’s been a “friggin’ fabulous” year for the ASRC Dandenong according to centre manager Rosa Misitano. In the two years since it opened in Melbourne’s southeast, the ASRC Dandenong has assisted more than 1300 people who are seeking asylum. And one of the centre’s proudest achievements in 2015 has been finding more than 82 members employment.

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  • A Fresh Start: Success Stories of Member Startups

    A Fresh Start: Success Stories of Member Startups

    Through the Social Entrepreneurship Program, members have harnessed their natural potential and recently launched their latest business venture. The following two member-owned and run businesses will have you set for the festive season. Sultan Seams In the few short months since launching, Sultan Seams has provided quality clothing alterations, repairs and production to metropolitan Melbourne,

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  • Only 15 schooldays left for detention kids

    Only 15 schooldays left for detention kids

    By Pamela Curr After 18 December the children in detention are stuck behind the fences and locked gates until next year. Unless Prime Minister Turnbull frees the children. There are only 15 school days left where they get to leave the camp each day for 8 hours of normal life in school. Already the older

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  • Say no to increasing force against detainees

    Say no to increasing force against detainees

    By Pamela Curr One of the most disturbing aspects of Border Force’s takeover of detention camps has been the militarisation and increased use of force against people seeking asylum. Women have been especially targeted by SERCO and Border Force. Next week in the Senate, the Government is seeking even more powers to use against women,

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