• A return to the horrors of the Pacific Solution

    A return to the horrors of the Pacific Solution

    ‘It is an extravagant waste and it needs to stop’ [1] (Stephen Smith, 2004 (ALP Shadow Immigration Minister on Manus Island). Today’s announcement of the restarting of Howard’s failed ‘Pacific Solution’ is a dark day for human rights in Australia. The Labor government which condemned the Pacific Solution is now intending to use former Prime

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  • The Budget, Christmas Island and a cauliflower

    The Budget, Christmas Island and a cauliflower

    This year’s “tough budget” theme is about to be replayed over and over to get us in the mood to accept cutbacks.  It is as good a time as any to ask about certain expenditures made in our name which are without merit or reason. Two thousand asylum seekers are being locked up on Christmas Island

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  • Why they protest on Christmas Island

    Why they protest on Christmas Island

    Miqdad Hussain. A name that sadly is unknown to many people. Miqdad was a 23 year old Afghan man who died in an Australian detention centre last week in Cape York, one of five who have died in detention since last August (four by suicide). Miqdad hung himself in the early hours of the morning

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  • Two cents – the value of humanity

    Two cents – the value of humanity

    Two cents is what it cost each taxpayer to pay for Christmas Island funerals in Sydney last week. Two cents for little orphaned nine year old Seena to say goodbye to his dad who drowned in the Christmas Island tragedy. Two cents for Madian to bury his beautiful eight month old baby Zahra.   As I

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  • Timor, detention and passing the buck

    Timor, detention and passing the buck

    Following a week in which yet another of Timor-Leste’s senior political leaders spoke out against the proposed regional assessment centre to be built in his country, a confidential 23-page concept document for the centre was leaked to the press.  The report raises serious questions as to the desirability and sustainability of such a centre.  The

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