• Children in detention – 2011 update

    Children in detention – 2011 update

    On October 18th last year Immigration Minister Chris Bowen announced that the government had decided to expand its existing residence determination program and would seek to transition several hundred children and vulnerable family groups out of immigration detention facilities and into community-based accommodation. Prime Minister Julia Gillard later offered quantification of this announcement, pledging that

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  • In search of a more humane refugee policy

    In search of a more humane refugee policy

    At the start of this week The Australian published an opinion piece by former Immigration Minister Phillip Ruddock reflecting on the boat wreck that occurred just off the coast of Christmas Island on December 15, 2010.  These essence of his argument was that a more humane refugee policy would be one that deterred people from

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  • We need to focus on resettlement from Indonesia

    We need to focus on resettlement from Indonesia

    Last week a rickety wooden boat carrying somewhere in the vicinity of 100 asylum seekers crashed onto the cliffs off Christmas Island resulting in anywhere up to 50 deaths.  Many of these bodies will never be recovered.  Forty-two people were pulled from the ocean mere metres off Christmas Island and are now in detention mourning

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  • Deal to deport Afghan asylum-seekers finalised

    Deal to deport Afghan asylum-seekers finalised

    It was reported in last week’s online edition of The Australian newspaper that Australia and Afghanistan have finalised an agreement for the return of failed Afghan asylum-seekers.  The article goes on to cite a source familiar with the negotiations who states that a memorandum of understanding outlining the deportation process could be signed as early

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  • Reflections on a tragedy

    Reflections on a tragedy

    In the aftermath of Wednesday’s disaster there is much to mourn.  At least 30 men, women and children died in the rough waters surrounding Christmas Island.   As yet, the authorities have not yet been able to ascertain the exact number of people on the boat.  Survivors have given estimates of 70-100 on board.  With only

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