• Part II: Coalition’s radical new policy is no solution

    Part II: Coalition’s radical new policy is no solution

    Last week, the ASRC revealed the inaccuracies in Morrison’s announcement of a radical shift in the Coalition’s refugee policy (see Part I). His major new proposal was to refuse Afghan asylum seekers who arrive “illegally” in Australia and subsequently exchange them for refugees in camps bordering Afghanistan. In last week’s blog, we debunked two of

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  • Part I: Coalition’s radical new policy is no solution

    Part I: Coalition’s radical new policy is no solution

    Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison announced a radical shift in the Coalition’s refugee policy last week in response to the record number of boat arrivals and subsequent overcrowding of Australia’s detention centres. While presenting the long-standing coalition policy of turning back the boats and reintroducing offshore processing and TPVs as the “the first solution,” Morison

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  • The Taliban leader and the shopkeeper

    The Taliban leader and the shopkeeper

    After nine years of fighting in Afghanistan there is growing recognition that whatever semblance of victory is still possible will not be achieved militarily.  In recognition of this reality, NATO forces and the Karzai Government have for months been engaged in talks with a ‘senior Taliban leader’ in the hope of attaining a political resolution

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  • High Court decision a win for human rights

    High Court decision a win for human rights

    At the ASRC as a human rights lawyer I have witnessed first hand thousands of times over, the human cost of countries whose government believe that they are above the law and should not be subject to the oversight of their own courts. I have sat face to face with men and women who have

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  • Sewing lips together a final plea for help

    Sewing lips together a final plea for help

    It’s the 19th of January 2002 and there is news of 58 asylum seekers in Woomera having sewed their lips together in protest of the delays in processing their refugee applications. We fast forward to the 19th of November 2010 and news breaks of 10 people seeking asylum who have sewed their lips together on

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