Help to access health related services

What does this service offer?

Nurses are available every day at the clinic to help give you advice and information about where and how to access other health services.

Who may be able to access the service?

The ASRC knows that many people seeking asylum are in crisis because they do not have work rights or access to mainstream social services in Australia.
While we aim to support as many people as possible, the level of need we see always exceeds the resources we have available as a community organisation.
We therefore prioritise those who face the biggest barriers to accessing their human right to healthcare.

Who MAY be able to access this service

Who will NOT be able to access this service*

A person seeking asylum Not seeking asylum
Residing in Victoria Not residing in Victoria
Current ASRC clients Not a current ASRC client

* If this is you, you may be able to access other services listed here.

How to access the service?

Please come to the centre and our workers can help you. If you are not able to come in person, please call 03 9274 9898 or email and leave a message with your name and phone number.
If you require an interpreter please state your preferred language and we will call you back with an interpreter.

Opening hours
Service hours may vary depending on staff capacity but these are the days and times we are open (excluding public holidays).
Please note, the service is paused during lunchtimes on the open days

ASRC Footscray
Level 2, 214-218 Nicholson St. Footscray

Monday: 10.30am to 4.00pm
Tuesday: 10.30am to 4.00pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10.30am to 4.00pm
Friday: 10.30am to 4.00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

What you need to provide:

  • Signed consent form including agreeing to ASRC’s Rights and Responsibilities agreement (completed with a worker at the ASRC)

  • Sign a ‘consent to release information’ form (completed with a worker at the ASRC)

  • Details of your current address

What we use it for:

  • Consent to access services in line with ASRC relevant policies and procedures 
  • To communicate with your doctors and other service providers about your health needs

  • This helps us see if we can find you a doctor closer to home