• Access denied

    Access denied

    Almost half of all homeless Australians are born overseas. Bwajojo Nunu* recalls how finding her way in a new country was impossibly tough. It was a confusing time. I was separated from my young son for the first time. I felt naked, empty and lost without him. Being in this new country, I felt powerless;

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  • The ASRC board welcomes two members

    The ASRC board welcomes two members

    Two new board members with vastly different backgrounds but a shared commitment to social justice have joined the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre board. Haleh Homaei, who migrated to Australia from Iran and has spent most of her career in the public and community housing sector, and Marie Sellstrom, a leadership consultant who is the national

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  • Celebrating the Journey of education with ASVET

    Celebrating the Journey of education with ASVET

    The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is delighted to announce the ground-breaking Asylum Seeker Vocational Education Training (ASVET) program has been extended for three years from 2018 until 2021. In addition to the renewed arrangements, people seeking asylum and refugees will also be able to access free vocational education training places under the Victorian Government’s

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  • Home Affairs mass cuts to support services for people seeking asylum rolled out today

    Home Affairs mass cuts to support services for people seeking asylum rolled out today

    Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) provide less than $35 a day and access to health services for people to meet basic needs as they go through the process of seeking asylum. Around 13,000 people living across Australia receive SRSS, including single people and families caring for young children and the elderly, enbaling them to meet

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  • Diving into new territory

    Diving into new territory

    For the majority of Australian’s, swimming is a skill learned in primary schools right across the nation. The water is not something to be feared, and swimming pools and beaches are welcoming places we go to relax. For many people seeking asylum, swimming is a complete unknown, and for women in particular it can be

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