• Politicians miss Kids Off Nauru deadline

    Politicians miss Kids Off Nauru deadline

    SEVENTEEN refugee children remained trapped in island detention last night on Nauru as the deadline expired for the Australian Government to evacuate them to Australia. A coalition of Australia’s refugee and humanitarian organisations gave our political leaders three months until Universal Children’s Day (Nov 20) to remove all the children and their families for resettlement

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  • #KidsOffNauru campaign update

    #KidsOffNauru campaign update

    This week our powerful Kids Off Nauru campaign achieved a tipping point. ASRC Campaign Manager, Marcella Brassett, shares the political impact thousands in our community have had. This week, the powerful Kids Off Nauru campaign achieved a tipping point in Canberra. The issue stayed dominant in Australia’s media, with coverage of doctors, medical practitioners and

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  • Fighting from the inside: how the ASRC Detention Advocacy team are evacuating the children of Nauru

    Fighting from the inside: how the ASRC Detention Advocacy team are evacuating the children of Nauru

    *Warning: this article contains graphic content and references to suicide Walking out of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) Detention Advocacy office, my breath catches at the sight on the back of the door. I’m looking at a sea of young faces. The door is covered in printed photos of children, with names written on

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  • A flood of calls and letters urge political leaders to get #KidsOffNauru

    A flood of calls and letters urge political leaders to get #KidsOffNauru

    Melbourne volunteers mobilise hundreds in Moonee Ponds to pick up their phone and call on local Member, Bill Shorten, to evacuate kids off Nauru, writes #RightTrack Volunteer Bec Richards. Earlier this month, our team of seventeen #RightTrack volunteers hit the streets in Moonee Ponds in support of the refugee sector’s #KidsOffNauru campaign. Over two hours,

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  • Young people take the lead

    Young people take the lead

    With new skills and training from ASRC’s Youth Action Project, 20 young people are taking their vision back to the community and setting up groups they’re passionate about across Melbourne. Sitting alongside the trivia nights and book clubs, we’re going to see more and more community groups popping up around Melbourne in support of fair

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