• Election eve run-down

    Well. At least all the ads have stopped now. Finding something positive to say about the current Federal election campaign has become more difficult the longer it has gone on, such that many are just thankful it all ends – one way or another – tomorrow evening. So much talk, so little debate. So many

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  • Selective compassion

    Selective compassion

    Australians are compassionate people.  That is what I have learnt from the hundreds of face-to-face conversations I have had in the past two weeks as part of the Hot Potato van travelling from Melbourne to Brisbane to talk to people and take the heat out of the asylum seeker debate.   The politicians have put the

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  • The asylum seeker political game

    The asylum seeker political game

    As we all waited with baited breath for the announcement of Rudd’s new asylum seeker policy on Friday, speculation mounted.  Rumours were rife, especially as the expected 2pm press conference was delayed to 4.30pm.  The asylum seeker and refugee sector waited nervously as Rudd and his contingent appeared before the throng of media along with

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  • No Advantage policy – the reality up close and uncomfortable.

    No Advantage policy – the reality up close and uncomfortable.

    By Pamela Curr The family arrived at the house on a cold afternoon. The electricity was not yet connected and they had no furniture, not even beds for the parents and their three children under 9 years.  They had one phone number. The Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project took their call and responded, setting off across

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  • One child’s life in Melbourne

    One child’s life in Melbourne

    By Pamela Curr One child’s life in Melbourne. He repeated  the words  “Court House” and was puzzled as he looked at the small simple white  building in a street  of houses in the back streets of Coburg. I explained that long ago this was a Court House but not any longer. He then told me

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