• Deloitte Impact Day

    Deloitte Impact Day

    On Friday the 16th of November two groups of Deloitte staffers visited the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) to volunteer as part of Deloitte’s Annual Impact Day. Each year Deloitte employees mobilise around the country to provide charities with an extra helping hand. This year the ASRC was fortunate to have teams from Deloitte in

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  • The Foodbank shelves (and our hearts) are full

    The Foodbank shelves (and our hearts) are full

    On the 23rd of December with only two days notice, more than 400 families came through the garage doors at our Home of Hope in Footscray to donate more than $50,000 worth of essential food items to our emergency Christmas food drive. Our Foodbank provides groceries to more than 700 people seeking asylum each week

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  • The forgotten 200

    The forgotten 200

    Noosheen Mogadam, Senior Lawyer at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, shares her view on the impossible and unfair situation a group of people seeking asylum in Australia are currently facing. Prior to her time at the ASRC, she spent years as part of international humanitarian response operations, most recently focussed on the conflict in Syria

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  • The Power Of Our People

    The Power Of Our People

    “I wish I could tell you, a hundred times a day. How much we appreciate, all you do and say..”, the voices were out of time and sometimes off key, but the words were sung with passion and conviction. The staff choir are in no way established singers but writing and performing an original song

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  • World Human Rights Day: A Day For Reflection

    World Human Rights Day: A Day For Reflection

    On Monday the 10th of December 2018 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 70. It’s a day that marks the anniversary of a milestone document – the most translated in the world – adopted by the United Nations proclaiming the inalienable rights that every human being is inherently entitled to regardless of race, colour,

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