• Open letter calls on Government to adopt Global Compact on Migration

    Open letter calls on Government to adopt Global Compact on Migration

    The ASRC is proud to join 34 organisations across faiths, communities and social sectors call on the Australian government to adopt the Global Compact on Migration. By refusing to sign the compact the government turns away from constructive international efforts to support issues associated with rising people movement. Open letter 4 December 2018 Dear representatives,

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  • Beaten for being gay, denied safety because he didn’t have a lawyer

    Beaten for being gay, denied safety because he didn’t have a lawyer

    Sami* was beaten by his own father. Beaten because he is gay. To his family, Sami’s sexuality brought shame and dishonour to their name. In Sami’s home country, homosexuality is considered a crime and is punishable by prison sentences and even corporal punishment. For years he endured beatings and emotional abuse. When his parents tried

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  • Making a global statement: The Human Rights Law Program

    Making a global statement: The Human Rights Law Program

    “When it comes to people seeking asylum, we are lost: we have lost the checks and balances that we expect from a system of democratic governance based on a separation of powers. We have not only entered, but are well advanced into the frightening realm of authoritarianism.” Speaking at the Australian Lawyers Alliance Conference in

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  • A Mother’s Unimaginable Choice

    A Mother’s Unimaginable Choice

    This is Yasmin and Ali. Their story is not a happy one, but one that must be heard. Yasmin fled her home in Iran after being targeted by local government authorities for participating in a student rally demanding greater freedoms. In a brutal crackdown on the protesters, she was beaten and detained, interrogated and tortured

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  • Politicians miss Kids Off Nauru deadline

    Politicians miss Kids Off Nauru deadline

    SEVENTEEN refugee children remained trapped in island detention last night on Nauru as the deadline expired for the Australian Government to evacuate them to Australia. A coalition of Australia’s refugee and humanitarian organisations gave our political leaders three months until Universal Children’s Day (Nov 20) to remove all the children and their families for resettlement

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