• Getting on the #RightTrack in 2017

    Getting on the #RightTrack in 2017

    The ASRC is hosting an event that introduces our #RightTrack campaign in 2017 and ways you can get involved, and help change attitudes about the rights of people seeking asylum.  Please join us for this important campaign event on Tuesday, 31 January from 6pm– 8pm to hear about our #RightTrack Campaign in 2017. Event details: Tuesday January

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  • The business of caring: ASRC social enterprises thrive in 2016

    Social enterprises founded by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre achieved astonishing success in 2016, with the three businesses earning a staggering 62 per cent more income than the previous year. The ASRC Catering, ASRC Cleaning, and Food Justice Truck social enterprises continue to go from strength to strength, and are a key factor behind the

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  • A life he was never meant to live

    A life he was never meant to live

    Driving over Punt Road on a Tuesday night, Safir* turns on his device and waits for his first job. This is his third night working as an UberEATS driver.  The pay is good and he can work anytime between 8am and 12am on the days he chooses. The flexible hours mean that Safir can still

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  • Send an #SOSforYusuf

    The clock is ticking. Yusuf is a refugee man in his 30s in the community on Nauru who appears to have suffered a serious cardiac event more than one month ago. He needs an urgent medical transfer to undergo life-saving treatment that is unavailable on Nauru, but the Australian Government is refusing to act. Medical

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  • 134 women helped this year in Australia’s only specialist clinic tackling gender based persecution

    134 women helped this year in Australia’s only specialist clinic tackling gender based persecution

    It’s been nearly two years since Emily Singh, ASRC Human Rights Lawyer launched Australia’s only Women’s Clinic to assist vulnerable females suffering from gender-based persecution, including political, religious, race and nationality-based claims. Women are an especially vulnerable group within the asylum seeker community as gender based claims aren’t explicitly enshrined in the UN Refugee Convention.

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