• Tears of relief: How Medevac saved Tajj

    Tears of relief: How Medevac saved Tajj

    The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s Detention Advocacy team is a lifeline for sick refugees left behind in offshore detention but in need of urgent medical care. Care that is not adequate or simply not available in PNG and Nauru. Our team of 7 are working around the clock (as part of the MERG group) to

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  • A letter from Kon after his Medevac Senate submission

    A letter from Kon after his Medevac Senate submission

    I’m just back from Canberra after a huge day at Parliament House presenting before a Senate Committee on why the Senate must save Medevac. When Medevac was passed in Parliament earlier in the year this was a huge win, providing critically ill refugees in offshore detention with a pathway to receive urgent medical treatment in

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  • Saving Medevac in the Senate

    Saving Medevac in the Senate

    The Medevac bill which was passed earlier this year ensures critically ill refugees in offshore detention are transferred to Australia to receive the urgent medical treatment to save their lives.   Since February, the ASRC working with doctors, lawyers and advocates as part of the Medical Evacuation Response Group have worked to get 130 sick refugees

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  • University scholarships provide steps forward for people seeking asylum

    University scholarships provide steps forward for people seeking asylum

    There are many challenges facing people seeking asylum. For most, forced to wait years for a status determination, life can seem like it is on hold. A group of universities however, is giving students seeking asylum a chance to move forward with their education and their life in Australia by offering university scholarships.     Led by

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  • Gifts for dads this Father’s Day

    Gifts for dads this Father’s Day

    Make a donation of a Father’s Day Gift Pack and help support fathers seeking asylum in our Melbourne communities. If you’re looking for a gift that will make a difference, our Father’s Day Gift Pack is just perfect. These simple items include essentials for Dad and baby, and a treat to share with the family.

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