This human rights day we are asking why.

Humanity – the missing link on the human rights issue of people seeking asylum

When the declaration of Human Rights was laid down this time in 1950, as Australians, we collectively agreed that as good human beings, we should respect basic rights and freedoms, and importantly – the freedom from fear.

But this Human Rights Day, we are reminded of the lack of humanity with which our Government has treated people seeking asylum, who are seeking to feel safe, and to be free from harm.

This human rights day we are asking why.

Why the 112 children continue to be forgotten and remain in detention despite the promise made by George Brandis this day one year ago.

Why people forget we are the sum of many stories.

Why they are more than just people seeking asylum.

Why we forget to invite humanity back into the conversation.

The work of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) enables people seeking asylum to feel safe, to be empowered and to feel free from fear – this underpins the International Bill of Human Rights.

On Human Rights Day, Thursday 10 December 2015 the ASRC celebrates the lives and stories of people seeking asylum and refugees.

Watch our Human Rights Day video at

These people are more than one story. They are more than just people seeking asylum.

We invite you to bring humanity back into the conversation around people seeking asylum.

Support the work of the ASRC and donate at

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