The Situation Right Now for People Cut From SRSS
Aida’s daughter’s favourite subject at school is art. She loves drawing and puzzles and playing on the swings at the local park.
Three months ago just before her daughter turned 6, Aida received a letter in the mail. A letter from the Government to advise that their family support payments, that they need to survive, have been cut.
This was the family’s only form of financial support.
Instead of looking forward to her daughter’s 6th birthday Aida was faced with the reality of not being able to put a roof over their heads.
Why? Because, as a family with a six-year-old the Government says that they are not “vulnerable enough”.
But Aida and her daughter are not alone.
As winter approaches, the ASRC is once again preparing for the growing humanitarian crisis caused by changes to SRSS eligibility and funding.
Of the 13,299 people who have relied on SRSS payments to survive, support for only 5,000 is expected to remain. These cuts will leave over 8,000 people in the cold.
Thousands of people are facing destitution – without access to medication, food and in so many cases, leaving people homeless.
For many, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre is their last hope as they seek shelter, medication and a nutritious meal.
For more than 18 years, we have stood ready to support people who would otherwise go without, the basic things that make us feel safe.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
By chipping in today, you can be the difference for families left in the cold this winter.
Donate today to ensure that they have a better tomorrow.
No food. No home. No medical care. This is the reality many people seeking asylum in Australia are facing as the Government continues to cut off life-saving support services. It’s a humanitarian crisis that is unfolding on our own shores.
For many people seeking asylum the ASRC is the only place they can seek shelter, medication and a hot meal. But demand on our services has increased beyond our capacity and we need your help now, more than ever before.
The ASRC is funded by a community of donors and we can’t support people seeking asylum without you! Please donate to the ASRC Winter Appeal today and be the difference for people seeking asylum.
Donate now to help people seeking asylum
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