Volunteering: Eiddwen’s Passion for Making Change
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) Volunteer Recruitment Drive is now open. The ASRC’s is on the hunt for passionate people to join the largest independent human rights organisation in Australia.
We sat down with Eiddwen, a passionate volunteer, who has made the simple action of answering the phones at the ASRC her own act of rebellion.
When is the right time to get involved with the causes you believe in? The first part of Eiddwen’s answer is anytime and the second is that it’s never too early, or too late, to volunteer.
At the early age of 2, Eiddwen went to her first rally. The only daughter of two passionate free thinkers has memories of riding her dad’s shoulders above the river of people protesting around her.
It came as no surprise that Eiddwen grew up to be a politically active member of society. In year 9 at school, she started a Human Rights discussion group to “help classmates to build their own opinions with facts”. After Operation Sovereign Borders (the military-led border operation) was introduced, she became determined to build a career advocating for human rights.
Now, at the age of 19, Eiddwen volunteers one day a week on the reception desk at the ASRC’s Footscray centre.
After a year as a reception volunteer, Eiddwen still remembers the first client she assisted. A distressed woman seeking help. In the time that Eiddwen has volunteered with the ASRC that same woman has returned regularly to the ASRC now smiling, happier and hopeful. “When I feel tired, I think of this woman and remind myself of the purpose of being here.”
Volunteering is an incredible way to contribute to change in whatever small or big way they can. And to some, like Eiddwen, coming here every Thursday to work on the reception desk, picking up phone calls and welcoming people to the ASRC, is her small protest against the policies that she feels don’t represent her as an Australian. But you don’t have to have been a lifelong activist to get out and volunteer your time to help people seeking asylum.
Volunteer roles are advertised every two months, the positions are varied with roles from administrative, creative or cooking/Foodbank roles, to psychologists, lawyers, nurses, and everything in-between.
Join Eiddwen and the 1200 volunteers making an impact in the lives of people seeking asylum.
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