Home is Here: Rahim Haqsar

My name is Rahim and I’m 32 years old. I was born in Afghanistan and left my homeland in 2012, in search of a safe life. I first arrived at Christmas Island by sea and was then transferred to the detention centre in Darwin, where I spent about seven weeks before coming to Melbourne.

When I arrived in Australia, I was filled with hope. I thought I would finally be safe and have the opportunity to build a new life. But the reality has been far more challenging. I feel trapped and hopeless. Once I came here after detention, I had to start from zero with nothing, and I had no work rights for the first 2 – 3 years. It was very hard.

I am still on a bridging visa which has many restrictions on it. I cannot travel to see my family, I am not able to bring my family here either. This is a country where I have lived for over 12 years, paid taxes, bills, but I’m still denied basic rights. I cannot study. I want to get my study rights so I can learn to read and write English well.

The Australian Government should let us build our lives here. Give us rights, we are human beings.  I just want to live a normal life. I have suffered enough.

I left behind my brother, my mum and my sister and my nephew. I think of them every day. The uncertainty of my future has affected me mentally, and emotionally as well as socially.

Getting my permanent residency will mean I can see my family, be able to work, and have a sense of purpose in life. Despite all these challenges, I hope one day I will be granted a visa and able to start my life. I want to be free. I want to build a home for myself and my family.

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