Leave a gift in your Will to the ASRC

A gift in your Will to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), of any size, can leave a profound and lasting impact on the lives of people seeking asylum in our community. Your gift will play a vital role in providing access to food, healthcare, education, and legal services to some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

Leaving a gift of any size, plays a vital role in ensuring the ASRC can continue to protect, support and empower people seeking asylum so they can advance their own futures.

Steps to leaving a gift in your Will

1. Consider your loved ones

First, consider your loved ones and the causes to which you would like to leave a lasting legacy.

2. Choose your gift

Choose the type of gift you would like to leave. An impactful way to support the ASRC is through a residual gift. This is the balance remaining after your loved ones and expenses are provided for and will maintain the relative value of your gift over time.

3. Create your Will

We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s most-trusted end-of-life services site, to offer our supporters a free online will. In just 10 minutes, you can make important preparations for your family and pledge a meaningful gift to a cause you care about. Click here to write your free will today.

Alternatively, meet with your solicitor and provide our name Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Incorporated and ABN 64 114 965 815.

4. Get in touch

Contact us to let us know you have left a gift to the ASRC in your Will. We would love the opportunity to thank you for your support. You can contact our Key Supporter Coordinator on 1300 692 772 or email at wills@asrc.org.au

Get in touch

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The impact of your legacy gift

Mohamed’s Story

“The ASRC is the only reason I am here today. They are everything, they are my family, they saved my life. I would have been a dead man without them. I came here in 2008 and got my protection visa in 2015. In that time, ASRC provided me with all types of support, for my mental health, legal representation, food, a job at ASRC Cleaning

But they also gave me so much more than these things.

They believed in me, gave me courage to live and they understood what I was going through. I used to finish work every day and go home to cry. Now I am here, smiling, happy, because of them. God sends you to good people when you are in trouble and God sent me to ASRC. Now I have permanent protection in Australia and I am running my own business.

Because I am safe, I can now support my family, including my son who I haven’t seen since he was a baby. Because I survived, I want to help another generation to survive. I am also donating my profits to help kids in Africa with pencils and books and other things. The ASRC gave me my life back. And not only mine, but thousands behind me and in front of me. I would do anything for ASRC. I am now safe and happy because of them.” 

                                                                                          — Mohamed, former member of the ASRC (2008–2015).

About the ASRC

Founded 20 years ago, the ASRC is Australia’s largest human rights organisation providing support to people seeking asylum. We are an independent not-for-profit organisation whose programs support and empower people seeking asylum to maximise their own physical, mental and social well being.

Together with our community of committed volunteers and supporters, we provide access to food, healthcare, education, and legal support to some of the most vulnerable people in our community. We advocate for the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum, and we assist people in finding reliable work and develop career pathways that help people seeking asylum to not only survive, but to thrive.

Leaving a gift in your Will is something you can do that will ensure these vital services can continue to be accessible to people seeking asylum for years to come. Knowing that we have sustainable income assists with future planning and strengthens our ability to advocate for the human rights of people seeking asylum, free from the pressures of government or the private sector.

The ASRC is born


Our Gifts in Wills guide will answer some of the questions you may have about how to leave a gift in your Will to the ASRC. Download it here or if you would like a guide mailed out to you, request it in our contact form here.

Honour a loved one

Celebrate the life of a loved one with a meaningful gift that will help support and empower over 7,000 people seeking asylum and refugees each year.