Asylum Seeker Resource Centre blog

    • 16 NOV 23
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    Five ways you can help the ASRC shine a light of hope for refugees this season

    Five ways you can help the ASRC shine a light of hope for refugees this season

    With the festive season fast approaching, our community of compassion is beginning to wonder how they can be more present for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia. Our supporter care line is flooded with calls of support every day and questions about how to get involved, so we wanted to make it easy for

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    • 11 OCT 23
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    Why these refugee women are walking 640 km to Canberra

    Why these refugee women are walking 640 km to Canberra

    On 22 September, a courageous group of women set out from their homes in Melbourne’s north and west to begin an epic 640 km journey to the nation’s capital – by foot. The Tamil and Iranian women walking to Canberra are seeking a path to permanent residence and citizenship for around 10,000 people failed by

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    • 28 SEP 23
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    Amplifying Saajeda’s voice, from adversity to advocacy.

    Amplifying Saajeda’s voice, from adversity to advocacy.

    Saajeda’s voice of strength and advocacy has built volume over the years, amplified through her various lived experiences. And experience she has, being a powerful advocate for her community and the ASRC, not shying away from addressing what must be faced. Like many who come seeking safety, the story begins long before the act of

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    • 15 SEP 23
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    Betia’s Journey: pushing for a fair-go future

    Betia’s Journey: pushing for a fair-go future

    At the age when many 14-year-olds were enjoying their youth, Betia and her family sought safety here after fleeing Iran. Arriving here with her mother, father, and brother, Betia’s teen years didn’t offer the same joy and freedom that others experienced. Instead, the family waited for over a decade, held in limbo, before being given

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