Asylum Seeker Resource Centre blog

    • 11 APR 18
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    Allie and Grace spread music, heart and hope

    Allie and Grace spread music, heart and hope

    What happens when you have a positive learning environment, encouraging parents and a talent for music? You get the efforts of Allie and Grace, two friends who chose to busk with their flutes for two days – and ended up raising $250 to support refugees and people seeking asylum. ‘They knew about your work from

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    • 03 APR 18
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    A story of language, community and opportunity

    A story of language, community and opportunity

    Zakia’s face lights up in front of me as I ask her if she’s enjoyed the translation workshops she’s just wrapped up at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). ‘From the past I like translating. Interpreting for me was like a dream to be a translator or an interpreter, so when I saw the email

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    • 23 MAR 18
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    Walid Zazai speaks from Manus

    Walid Zazai speaks from Manus

    Walid Zazai speaks from Manus to the Palm Sunday Rally 2018 As the clock ticked towards midnight, I felt both dread at another long year and hope for what seems unimaginable to me – freedom. Hello everyone, my name is Walid Zazai. Thank you for asking me to speak again. Much has changed since last

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    • 21 MAR 18
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    The natural course of a flood is to flow

    The natural course of a flood is to flow

    I recently had the extraordinary and humbling experience of speaking with Ai Wei Wei, a global leader who uses his art, his intellect, and his heart to champion a more compassionate way forward for refugees. We had an incredible conversation, in which he compared the humanitarian crisis facing refugees to a flood. The natural course

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