Asylum Seeker Resource Centre blog

    • 15 MAY 17
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    A broken system

    There are currently two people on Nauru, Khan and Nawaf, who require urgent medical treatment. This treatment is not available or appropriate on Nauru and Khan and Nawaf are in urgent need to be transferred out of Nauru to access the medical treatment and specialist services that they need. A Senior IHMS Medical Officer on

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    • 10 MAY 17
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    The human cost of ‘Fast Track’

    Everyone deserves to feel safe. But the Australian Government’s ‘Fast Track’ policy introduced in December 2015 drastically changes the refugee determination process. This includes re-introducing temporary protection visas, removing a fair review process and very short time frames for lodging applications. The government also cut 85% of funding for legal services to assist people with their application

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    • 21 APR 17
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    A cultural journey through coffee

    A cultural journey through coffee

    Ahmer* is used to coffee laced with condensed milk. He worked for seven years making coffee that way. Ahmer is a Burmese Muslim. After he was persecuted in his homeland, he fled for Malaysia. The cloying brew was popular in his new home. But, after again being persecuted because of his ethnicity, he fled to

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    • 24 MAR 17
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    Take action on climate change while supporting the ASRC

    Take action on climate change while supporting the ASRC

    An energy audit has found that by installing a 50.44kW solar system on our roof, in addition to our current energy saving initiatives, the ASRC would save around $21,000 every year, which could be redistributed back into our life saving programs. So we’ve teamed up with Powershop who will provide a financial contribution to our solar

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