Take national action now

Vote for values 
We are amplifying the voices of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds this election. Receive images videos of people expressing the values they want from political leaders by joining the Whatsapp tree.

Whatsapp Tree
Text your name to 0403645 885  to receive powerful social media stories to share on your pages via a Whatsapp group tree.

Email your MP to change the policy on asylum.

Take local action now


  • Join your local grassroots action group. Email organiser Liyan Gao or
    RSVP to next action in South Melbourne, 11 May.
  • Uni and high school students email organiser Kaz Uy


  • Email organiser Justin Whelan to join local grassroots actions


  • Email organiser Kagi Kowa to join local grassroots actions.

Key Messages

Let’s win a safety net of support services, a fair and fast asylum legal process and a safe, permanent home for people seeking asylum in Australia.

We ask candidates for federal parliament to commit to:

  • Stop cutting families off a safety net of status resolution support services (SRSS) against homelessness and hunger
  • Restore SRSS to all people seeking asylum as they wait for asylum claims.
  • Resettle people held offshore in the United States, New Zealand or Australia immediately.
  • Reestablish a fair and fast asylum application process that meets Australia’s obligation of permanent protection for refugees.

Thank you for campaigning with us to #ChangeThePolicy on asylum for good