Home English Teaching provides one-to-one English support for people seeking asylum, usually in their homes or sometimes in a library, for an hour each week. We have about 70 tutors, working with people seeking asylum all over Melbourne. The tutors and the program coordinator are all volunteers.
Tutors plan teaching sessions to suit the needs and interests of the particular learner. They develop a good relationship with the learners and learn something about their culture. At the same time, we help people seeking asylum learn about Australian customs.
We offer tutoring at all levels, from beginners to advanced. Most of our learners are adults but we also help some school students.
Volunteering as a tutor
We need volunteers who are able to travel, eg drive for 20–30 minutes to visit a learner. You don’t need previous experience, as training is provided. This is a fifteen-hour course that covers tutoring techniques, and understanding the situation facing adults who need to learn English. We are particularly looking for volunteers to tutor in Broadmeadows, other northern and western suburbs and Dandenong.
To find out how to volunteer at the ASRC and be a part of our tutoring team, please click here.
Connect with us
Need help from the ASRC? Call 03 9326 6066 or visit us: Mon-Tue-Thur-Fri 10am -4pm. Closed on Wednesdays.