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    • 02 OCT 24
    Labor’s rushed legislation inflicts impossible deadlines and fees on people seeking just outcomes through the ART

    Labor’s rushed legislation inflicts impossible deadlines and fees on people seeking just outcomes through the ART

    MEDIA RELEASE: ASRC lawyers will give evidence today against legislation that inflicts impossible and rigid application deadlines and exorbitant fees on refugees, people seeking asylum and migrants seeking just outcomes through the new Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). ASRC’s evidence will be heard from 2 pm – 3pm today as part of a Senate inquiry into

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    • 12 SEP 24
    Refugees and allies mark 60 days of protest for permanency

    Refugees and allies mark 60 days of protest for permanency

    MEDIA RELEASE: Refugees and allies will join in solidarity at a peaceful vigil in Melbourne tonight, marking 60 days of ongoing protests urging the Government to grant permanency to approximately 8,500* people failed by the flawed Fast Track system. The refugee-led movement has built momentum in recent weeks, with 24-hour encampments now running in Melbourne,

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    • 20 AUG 24
    Refugee protests build momentum as people demand an end to life in limbo

    Refugee protests build momentum as people demand an end to life in limbo

    MEDIA RELEASE: Refugee-led protests are building momentum with new sites starting up in Adelaide and Brisbane this week, as people forced to live in limbo for over a decade demand a pathway to permanency from the Albanese Government.  This morning at Parliament House in Canberra, Melbourne protest leader Abbas Ghezzy will address Parliamentarians – including members of

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    • 19 AUG 24
    11,000 call on Federal MPs to end suffering in offshore detention and evacuate people now

    11,000 call on Federal MPs to end suffering in offshore detention and evacuate people now

    MEDIA RELEASE: An 11,000 strong petition calling for the evacuation of 140 people suffering in offshore detention will be delivered to Parliament House today, as a stark reminder to Federal Parliamentarians that lives are at risk in Papua New Guinea and Nauru unless urgent action is taken. The petition will be presented to Independent MP

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    • 08 AUG 24
    More people seeking asylum struggle to get food on the table in 2024

    More people seeking asylum struggle to get food on the table in 2024

    MEDIA RELEASE: The ASRC has seen a 43 % increase in families relying on its community foodbank in recent months due to the skyrocketing cost of living and people seeking asylum being denied work rights and access to social support by the Federal Government.In the past 12 months, the ASRC Foodbank has supported 1,568 households

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    • 01 AUG 24
    Charities out of money for destitute PNG refugees as Labor drags feet on restoring aid

    Charities out of money for destitute PNG refugees as Labor drags feet on restoring aid

    MEDIA RELEASE: Charities that have been keeping PNG refugees and their families alive since humanitarian support was cut off by the Australian Government in November 2023, say lives are at risk unless Labor stops dragging its feet on restoring aid and evacuating people to safety. In the past nine months, charities, individuals and refugee advocacy

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