Latest news

    • 13 SEP 17

    The ASRC supports marriage equality

    Right now Australians are being asked to participate in a postal survey to determine whether same-sex couples can marry. For some people in the community, this means very little. For others, it is of vital importance. Already we are seeing the potential for harm, distress and division, as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and

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    • 11 SEP 17

    Victorian State Government to support people seeking asylum

    The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) warmly welcomes the Victorian State Government’s weekend funding announcement of $600,000 to assist refugees and people seeking asylum. The financial package will assist people in Victoria caught by the Federal Government’s recent cruel decision to remove basic income and housing support to around 400 refugees and people seeking asylum.

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    • 28 AUG 17

    ASRC Board Chair transition

    A message from our CEO, Kon Karapanagiotidis After eight years as a volunteer and then ASRC Board member with six years as its Chair, Matthew Tutty has decided to stand down as ASRC Chair to pursue new opportunities overseas. During his tenure, the organisation has grown four-fold, matured its strategy and sustainability, and expanded into

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    • 24 AUG 17

    ASRC launches #RightTrack campaign in Sydney

    In August this year, the ASRC launched its #Right Track campaign in Sydney as part of a vital national engagement project that aims to change the community conversation around people seeking asylum and champion a fair and more humane approach. A launch event earlier that month signaled the opening of the ASRC’s first NSW office staffed by a

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    • 23 AUG 17

    No penalty rate cuts for ASRC social enterprise workers

    The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre will not pass on cuts in the penalty rate to casual workers employed in catering and cleaning social enterprises, ensuring these workers are not worse off when rostered on weekend or evening shifts. About 20 catering staff and about 15 cleaning staff, many of whom are people seeking asylum who rely on

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    • 23 AUG 17

    Tamie Fraser to continue legacy of late husband and former Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser

    The ASRC is thrilled to announce that Tamie Fraser, widow of former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, stands beside us as a Patron. Mr Fraser, who served as the 22nd Prime Minister of Australia between 1975 and 1983, was himself an active ASRC patron until his death in March 2015 (and he is still honoured as

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