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    • 10 MAY 24
    ASF17 High Court ruling | ASRC Statement

    ASF17 High Court ruling | ASRC Statement

    Today’s High Court ruling is a devastating outcome for ASF17 and for those who remain locked up and facing indefinite detention. ASF17 has been held in detention for over 10 years. He has been failed by the system, along with thousands of other refugees and people seeking asylum who have been through unjust and unfair

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    • 09 MAY 24
    Thousands forced into destitution unless Labor restores safety nets in Federal Budget

    Thousands forced into destitution unless Labor restores safety nets in Federal Budget

    MEDIA RELEASE: The ASRC is calling on the Albanese Government to restore safety nets for people seeking asylum in the Federal Budget – starting with urgent investment in social support and ensuring people have the rights to work, study and access medical care. Between 2016-2022, social support for people seeking asylum was cut by a

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    • 07 MAY 24
    Senate committee’s majority report ignores overwhelming evidence to give Labor’s Bill the rubber stamp

    Senate committee’s majority report ignores overwhelming evidence to give Labor’s Bill the rubber stamp

    MEDIA RELEASE: A Government majority Senate Committee has ignored overwhelming evidence from impacted refugee communities, medical and legal experts, support agencies and academics to give the Albanese Government’s callous Entry Ban and Deportation Bill the go-ahead in a majority report released this afternoon. After attempting to ram the Bill through Parliament in less than 36

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    • 18 APR 24
    Labor under pressure as Parliamentary Human Rights Committee berates brutal bill

    Labor under pressure as Parliamentary Human Rights Committee berates brutal bill

    MEDIA RELEASE: Widespread pressure continues to build against Labor’s brutal Entry Ban and Deportation Bill, with the latest criticisms descending from Parliament’s own Human Rights Scrutiny Report released yesterday. The report produced by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, and chaired by ALP MP Josh Burns, confirms Labor’s Bill currently limits several fundamental human rights including the

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    • 15 APR 24
    Labor’s Trump-like Bill unfairly punishes families, refugees and people seeking asylum

    Labor’s Trump-like Bill unfairly punishes families, refugees and people seeking asylum

    MEDIA RELEASE: ASRC will join refugee human rights lawyers giving evidence today in opposition to Labor’s Entry Ban and Deportation Bill at the one-day Senate hearing in Canberra. The Bill, which unfairly punishes refugees, migrant families and people seeking asylum, was road-blocked at the Senate for an inquiry after Labor attempted to ram the Bill

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    • 10 APR 24
    Isolation and desperation on Nauru: “I miss my family, I want to get out of here”

    Isolation and desperation on Nauru: “I miss my family, I want to get out of here”

    MEDIA RELEASE: A group of 39 people seeking asylum forced to Nauru after arriving in Beagle Bay (WA) in February have made contact with the ASRC, reporting significant distress, emerging mental health issues and suicidal thoughts as they are confronted with indefinite family separation and Australia’s cruel offshore detention regime. This follows reports a further

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