Amnesty report shows Australia has turned Nauru into an open-air prison

A new report from Amnesty International has condemned Australia for turning Nauru into an open-air prison, where refugees and people seeking asylum face a cruel and elaborate system of abuse.

The report, Island of Despair: Australia’s ‘processing of refugees’, is a disturbing and comprehensive expose of our government’s deliberate and systematic regime of neglect and cruelty. Based on months of research, including visits to the island and its detention centre, the report contains significant testimony about the systematic punishment of people who sought asylum in Australia.


The report is a significant addition to the vast body of evidence demonstrating how far our government has strayed from our shared beliefs of fairness, decency and access to justice.

This includes the recent report on Christmas Island by Pamela Curr and Sr Brigid Arthur.

Our government has become an international outlier, out of step with international law and threatening to undermine the Refugee Convention which lies at the heart of ensuring millions of displaced people around the world have the opportunity to rebuild their lives in peace and safety.

Help us send a message to our government.                                                               

Sign our petition to #BringThemHere and lobby your federal MPs and Senators. Together we can create a welcoming community that values the contribution of people seeking asylum and refugees.

Help us get our country on the #RightTrack.

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