Asylum Seeker Resource Centre blog

    • 30 MAY 17
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    Taking a moment for perspective

    It was announced last weekend that Australia will host the “Davos of Women” next year, solidifying the importance Australia places on gender equality.  It can be easy to take for granted the status we have as women in Australia.  We might rightfully be able to argue that we aren’t paid equally, but at least we

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    • 29 MAY 17
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    The human faces of ‘fast track’: Ahmad’s story

    The government is pressuring 7,500 people seeking asylum through an incredibly complicated legal process called ‘Fast Track’ which has forced them to wait in limbo for years to apply for asylum, and now required them to submit a complex application by 1 October. Some of these people have already been on waiting lists for legal support, and now some

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    • 25 MAY 17
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    The human faces of ‘fast track’: Hashim’s story

    On 21 May, immigration minister Peter Dutton announced a new and nearly impossible deadline for people seeking asylum forced into ‘Fast Track’, which immediately puts thousands of people at risk of being deported back to danger. The complex and long process affects people who arrived by sea between 13 August 2012 and 31 December 2013,

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    • 15 MAY 17
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    A broken system

    There are currently two people on Nauru, Khan and Nawaf, who require urgent medical treatment. This treatment is not available or appropriate on Nauru and Khan and Nawaf are in urgent need to be transferred out of Nauru to access the medical treatment and specialist services that they need. A Senior IHMS Medical Officer on

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