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    • 06 MAR 20
    ICC Ruling should prompt Australian Government to accept New Zealand resettlement option

    ICC Ruling should prompt Australian Government to accept New Zealand resettlement option

    Media release20 February 2020 ICC RULING SHOULD PROMPT AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT TO ACCEPT NEW ZEALAND RESETTLEMENT OPTION Human rights and refugee sector unite to call on Australian Government to get people detained in offshore detention to safety in the wake of ICC ruling Australia’s peak human rights and refugee rights organisations have banded together to call

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    • 19 DEC 19
    Sick people transferred  from PNG and Nauru detained without medical oversight

    Sick people transferred from PNG and Nauru detained without medical oversight

    Media Release 19 December 2019 Media Release: Sick people transferred  from PNG and Nauru detained without medical oversight. The Morrison government is ultimately responsible for the transfer and medical care of sick people from offshore processing, including those already approved by the Minister under Medevac laws. Medically evacuated people are put in detention in Australia,

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    • 04 DEC 19
    ASRC calls on Prime Minister Morrison to take responsibility for people offshore

    ASRC calls on Prime Minister Morrison to take responsibility for people offshore

    Media Release 4 December 2019 ASRC calls on Prime Minister Morrison to take responsibility for people offshore The repeal of the Medevac laws means that doctors are no longer in charge of medical decisions for sick people held in offshore processing. The ASRC expresses serious worry and sadness at this government’s secretive and vindictive repeal

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    • 03 DEC 19
    Failure to resettle remaining 535 offshore detainees to cost Australia $1.2 billion

    Failure to resettle remaining 535 offshore detainees to cost Australia $1.2 billion

    MEDIA RELEASE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2019 Failure to resettle remaining 535 offshore detainees to cost Australia $1.2 billion             New figures have revealed that the Australian Government’s failure to finalise resettlement for 535 offshore detainees currently in PNG and Nauru  could cost taxpayers $1.2 billion over the next 3 years. The independent

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    • 25 NOV 19
    The ASRC is in Parliament appealing to Senator Lambie to Save Medevac

    The ASRC is in Parliament appealing to Senator Lambie to Save Medevac

    25 November 2019  The ASRC is in Parliament appealing to Senator Lambie to Save Medevac The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) has sent a delegation to Parliament, including CEO Kon Karapanagiotidis to appeal to Senators, especially Senator Lambie to vote against Minister Dutton’s full Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019.  The ASRC has witnessed

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    • 02 OCT 19
    ASRC delivers report into employment pathways for people seeking asylum

    ASRC delivers report into employment pathways for people seeking asylum

    Last month, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s (ASRC) Employment Program launched their research report, titled: ‘Towards an optimal employment strategy for people seeking asylum in Victoria’. The report is a timely piece of research that outlines the current state of play and forward-looking recommendations for policy and service delivery in this area. The report represents

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