Latest news

    • 15 NOV 17

    Australian doctor and lawyer say man on Manus at risk of another heart attack not being treated, claim negligence

    A video has been obtained by ASRC which shows Manus man Samuel (not his real name), in a transit facility trying to explain to a guard on 13 November 2017 that he has a heart condition and needs medical assistance, while the guard replies that transport is not available. Samuel had a heart attack inRead more
    • 08 NOV 17

    Global community helps man from Manus resettle as Prime Minister Turnbull dithers while crisis deepens

    As the humanitarian crisis on Manus Island escalates, Australians and the broader global community are coming to the aid of the innocent men trapped inside the centre. Last week as Immigration Minister Peter Dutton ordered food, clean water, electricity and medicines be cut off from those inside the Australian funded and staffed Manus centre, aRead more
    • 03 NOV 17

    606 men on Manus at breaking point

    It’s day 3 on Manus Island and 606 men stand barricaded and fearful for their lives. On 31 October our government abandoned the detention centre and cut off water, food, security, power and medication. But the men are stranded because the three sites our government has offered are unfinished and unsafe. There are frequent attacks

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    • 02 NOV 17

    Nauru detainee Khan calls for medical evacuation to Australia

    My name is Khan. I have been on Nauru for 4 years. Did you see the news this week? Journalists have exposed the cases of myself and my brothers and sisters detained on Nauru who are sick and can’t get the medical care we need. I have a complex condition that causes me to lose

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    • 01 NOV 17

    Medical crisis on Nauru should result in evacuation to Australia for treatment

    The media spotlight on Australian bureaucrats overruling the decisions of medical doctors is shocking. Yesterday’s accounts exposed by Buzzfeed and ABC 7:30 report are from the most senior medical doctor on Nauru and clearly show that the abuse of people in need of medical treatment is happening with impunity and indifference by our own government’sRead more
    • 25 OCT 17

    The humanitarian crisis of 603,000 Rohingya refugees

    Photo by Dan Kitwood The Rohingya people are been forced out of their home country of Myanmar in a ruthless ‘ethnic cleansing’ campaign by the state’s army. The Muslim-minority ethnic group has for decades been denied citizenship and access to government services as well as other forms of socio-political and economic discrimination in the BuddhistRead more