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  • Join Our Community

    Stay informed on breaking news, ways you can take action, how to get involved with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and support refugees and people seeking asylum.
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  • Home is Here

    They’re our neighbours, our coworkers, our school friends, but are still being denied the chance to build their lives in safety. After 12 years, their home is here.
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  • Support Independence

    To stay independent, we don't accept funding from the Federal Government. Instead, we are funded by you.
    Support independence and support the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
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  • Join Our Community

    Stay informed on breaking news, ways you can take action, how to get involved with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and support refugees and people seeking asylum.
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  • Home is Here

    They’re our neighbours, our coworkers, our school friends, but are still being denied the chance to build their lives in safety. After 12 years, their home is here.
    Take Action
  • Support Independence

    To stay independent, we don't accept funding from the Federal Government. Instead, we are funded by you.
    Support independence and support the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
    Donate now
  • Featured Stories

    Make a difference to people seeking asylum by providing one of the most basic human rights – food and essential items such as toiletries. 

    The ASRC Foodbank currently provides free groceries and toiletries to around 600 people every fortnight, most of whom have no income and no work rights. You can donate online or in person.

    Did you know we don’t take Federal Government funding, and much of our financial resources come from the community? Yes! Your ongoing support with monthly donations is critical in helping the ASRC keep its doors open.

    Become a monthly donor and enable the essential services and support refugees need to rebuild their lives here.

    Refugees and people seeking asylum in Papua New Guinea and Nauru are facing a mental and physical health crisis.

    Will you call on Prime Minister Albanese and Minister Burke to urgently evacuate everyone to safety and close this shameful chapter for good? 

    Latest news


      • 10 SEP 24
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      Home is Here: Noor Shah

      Home is Here: Noor Shah

      My name is Noor and I am 42 years old. I fled Afghanistan in July 2013, leaving my wife, my four children and my relatives behind. I came by boat and was held in detention on Christmas Island for about a month. After that we were transferred to Curtin detention centre for three months, where

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      • 05 SEP 24
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      Stand with Sajeda on the right side of history

      Stand with Sajeda on the right side of history

      Supporting refugee-led advocacy is one of the current strategic priorities of the ASRC. Through the work of our Refugee Leadership & Advocacy Program, we are contributing to building the skills and confidence of the next generation of leaders with lived experience to lead the movement, take a stand and advocate for the human rights of

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      • 30 AUG 24
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      Home is Here: Narges Shaterian

      Home is Here: Narges Shaterian

      My name is Narges. I arrived in Australia in 2013 with my family, my husband and our three children, by boat.  I was eager to study and learn English, with many plans and aspirations. However, upon arrival at Christmas Island, we were forced into detention centres, where we remained for a year before being transferred

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      • 30 AUG 24
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      Home is Here: Rathy Barthlote

      Home is Here: Rathy Barthlote

      I am Rathy Barthlote. I am co-founder of Refugee Women Action for Visa Equality. I fled genocide in Sri-Lanka with my husband in 2006 and sought temporary refuge in India before arriving in Australia as an asylum seeker in 2013.  I have two children. My first child was born in India and my second child,

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