Latest news

    • 23 FEB 18
    The ASRC welcomes Suzana Vlahovic to the Board

    The ASRC welcomes Suzana Vlahovic to the Board

    As a daughter of parents who migrated to Australia, the ASRC’s newest Board member Suzana Vlahovic has a genuine passion for people, human rights, and promoting diversity and inclusion. Suzana is an Audit Partner at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a leading professional services firm that provides audit and assurance, tax, consulting, financial advisory and risk advisory

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    • 19 FEB 18
    Refugee woman told to separate from vulnerable son to access treatment for serious cardiac condition

    Refugee woman told to separate from vulnerable son to access treatment for serious cardiac condition

    Fatemah is a 55 year old refugee woman with a serious heart condition, and is the primary carer for her adolescent son, who suffers from mental health issues. The two have been detained in tents in the regional processing centre on Nauru since Fatemah’s son was 12 years old. A medical report written by physician

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    • 08 FEB 18
    Humanitarian crisis looms as Government collapses lifesaving support services for people seeking asylum

    Humanitarian crisis looms as Government collapses lifesaving support services for people seeking asylum

    Around 12,000 people seeking asylum living in Australia are at risk of losing lifesaving services due to Government changes. Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) are a base line support safety net that often is not enough to make ends meet, but keeps people from complete destitution. Government changes to SRSS impact case management, income supportRead more
    • 23 JAN 18
    Group of 40 fly to freedom from Manus, 2000 people left behind

    Group of 40 fly to freedom from Manus, 2000 people left behind

    A small group of approximately 40 people detained for up to five years on Manus Island depart for the United States today from Port Moresby to build a new life, under the US deal. Many of the group of people – from a mix of origin countries including Rohingya – were transferred from Manus Island

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    • 23 JAN 18
    Doubling efforts to #EvacuateNow and respond to escalating medical crisis in offshore detention

    Doubling efforts to #EvacuateNow and respond to escalating medical crisis in offshore detention

    Last year, a humanitarian crisis unfolded on Manus Island for people seeking asylum and refugees detained offshore by the Australian government. People detained on Nauru have also been suffering from medical neglect of complex conditions such as kidney stones, breast lumps, diabetes and neurological damage, unable to get the treatment doctors are prescribing for them.

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    • 22 DEC 17
    Carolyn Graydon to lead our Human Rights Law Program

    Carolyn Graydon to lead our Human Rights Law Program

    The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is delighted to welcome Carolyn Graydon to lead our Human Rights Law Program. Carolyn comes to the ASRC with an outstanding record as a human rights lawyer in Australia and international contexts over the past 21 years. In Australia, she has worked with Refugee Legal (RILC at the time)

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