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    • 26 SEP 18
    #RightTrack Report confirms grassroots conversations shift attitudes on asylum

    #RightTrack Report confirms grassroots conversations shift attitudes on asylum

    #RightTrack’s latest report releases data from conversations with 1,014 people across Victoria on the asylum process conducted by an alliance of 13 grassroots community groups. The Report finds 48% of people shifted their attitude towards fairer asylum policy after hearing from someone currently seeking asylum during the conversation. #RightTrack is a community led movement having

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    • 03 SEP 18
    Nauru report exposes offshore processing abuse as regional leaders meet for Pacific Island Forum

    Nauru report exposes offshore processing abuse as regional leaders meet for Pacific Island Forum

    Two prominent refugee organisations have released a new report today that rips through the shroud of secrecy surrounding offshore processing on Nauru. Secrecy enforced by the Australian government. The report includes detailed cases of child and adult trauma and descriptions of deteriorating conditions that people seeking asylum live through in Nauru. Read full report. As

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    • 28 AUG 18

    Whistleblowers say Australian Border Force blocking emergency medical transfer of 50 children off Nauru

    View 7.30 Report’s coverage on whistle blowers from Nauru who’ve exposed the extent of children in medical crisis. For the first time since 2016, whistleblower health professionals have spoken out on escalating crisis on Nauru. The ASRC has information that exposes the overall scale and magnitude of the child trauma crisis on Nauru. Sources report

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    • 28 AUG 18

    Child Trauma on Nauru – The Facts

    The Australian Government is holding 102 children and their families on Nauru  under it’s offshore processing policy. Nauru became the site of regional processing centres for Australian immigration in July 2013 under Labor Rudd government. People seeking asylum arriving by sea were taken to Nauru for processing under Australia’s mandatory offshore processing and detention policy.

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    • 18 JUL 18

    Five years too many

    There are 1600 people, including 123 children in critical condition as 19 July marks five years of Australia’s offshore processing policy. Thursday, 19 July marks five years since former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd declared ‘no asylum seeker that arrives in Australia by boat will be resettled in Australia,’ and with that one statement, mandatory offshore

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    • 18 JUL 18
    Abdul Aziz Adam on five years too many

    Abdul Aziz Adam on five years too many

    As we mark five years too many of mandatory offshore processing, Abdul Aziz Adam shares his statement. Five years of injustice. Five years of trauma. Five years of false imprisonment. Who will be responsible for those years and why shall we pay the price for this cruel, heartless and dangerous policy that has no mercy

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