Latest news

    • 24 OCT 17

    Kon Karapanagiotidis delivers key note address to ACOSS Conference

    Founder and CEO of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), Kon Karapanagiotidis delivered the opening key note address to this year’s Australian Council Of Social Services (ACOSS) National Conference: ‘Australia in 2030: creating the future we want’, held 24-25 October in Melbourne. ACOSS is the peak body for community service organisations in Australia and a

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    • 20 OCT 17

    People applying for asylum in Australia have lost the freedom to own a pet

      The Turnbull government has forced vulnerable people seeking asylum in Australia into poverty by denying many the right to work, barred people from studying and then put them at risk of homelessness by cutting income support and access to health care. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has now issued a notice to

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    • 11 OCT 17

    Free Voices: we can break them or save them

    An account of #BringThemHere rally 8 October 2017 Hundreds matched in solidarity on the streets of Melbourne on Sunday. Amongst them, one message echoed beyond the posters and banners they carried. That message was on their faces and in their voices and it was very clear. We can do something to break or save the

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    • 11 OCT 17

    Turnbull government admits PNG unsafe, offers transfer to Nauru for Manus refugees.

    A document placed in the Oscar Compound of Manus Island Regional Processing Centre tonight shows that over 700 men who have been assessed as refugees remaining on Manus Island are being offered a transfer to Nauru, due to risk of violence in PNG’s Lorengau. Three people have died on Nauru since being transferred there with the commencement ofRead more
    • 02 OCT 17

    The ASRC calls on leaders to #EvacuateNow after ninth person dies on Manus

    A ninth person has died in our offshore detention camps today. Police have confirmed that a man died overnight on Manus Island, reportedly by suicide, and after being in desperate need of medical help for a long time. The US deal has freed 54 people so far, while 2000 people remain unsafe and in life

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    • 18 SEP 17

    Mark Seymour throws his support behind #LetThemStay

    Aussie music icon Mark Seymour of Hunters and Collectors has thrown his support behind the #LetThemStay movement. Last year, a national movement know as Let Them Stay secured a high court injunction to allow people brought to Australia from Nauru and Manus Island detention camps for urgent medical treatment, to stay. Peter Dutton has begun

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